autres événements à Paris

What can we do to make you better?

Escaliers - Pas de lecteur CB
Évènement passé - 2018
16 mai From 7.30 PM to 10 PM. Doors open at 7 PM.
Le Bistrot des Artistes, 6 rue des Anglais
75005, Paris
Today, scientists are trying to find new materials to treat diseases. Yes, materials! It turns out pills could be yesterday's news very soon.

Smart drugs

Cedric Chauvierre (researcher, INSERM)
Over one hundred years ago Paul Ehrlich founded chemotherapy and received a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. His idea of creating 'magic bullets' to fight diseases inspired generations of scientists to devise powerful drugs to target diseased cells without destroying any healthy tissue.
Recent developments in biomedical sciences allow us to design nanosystems that can help deliver drugs and facilitate imaging at a molecular level. This talk outlines the use of such nanosystems to better observe and treat cardiovascular diseases, the main cause of mortality in industrialized countries.

A brand new technique to repair ligaments

Laurent Corté (researcher, Mines-ParisTech)
You probably know someone who’s ruptured their anterior cruciate ligament – it’s one of the most frequent accidents. Ouch! Surgical reconstruction is the standard procedure nowadays but it presents serious limitations and also entails a long and painful recovery period. Finding an alternative and (moreover!) less painful treatment is at the top of surgeons’, patients’ and researchers’ lists! In this talk, we will discuss what is so special about repairing the anterior cruciate ligament and about new emerging strategies combining materials science and tissue biology.
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